
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What's the Deal With Essential Oils? A Conversation With Meghan Joy Yancy

I'm going to be totally honest with you (always).   I am like SO not cool.  Not on-trend.   With anything:  health, music, television shows, books, fashion.  
But after learning I had breast cancer (disease #2, since the #1 spot was taken by type 1 diabetes) last summer, a friend of mine (also a survivor) suggested sniffing essential oils.  Like taking a deep whiff when I was feeling another wave of debilitating anxiety.  I had a few oils in my bathroom drawer. So I took her advice, even though I was like, essential oils, what?  
Now if you know me, you know I'm a major skeptic when it comes to all-things-health.  I don't believe in magical cures, diet plans (like no carbs---because, are you freaking kidding me?!?---heavily referenced in my latest book), or pills that make you a health superstar.  How are essential oils any different?  Well I'll tell you the truth:  taking a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the oil, DID offer me some temporary relief from my anxiety.  
Curiosity got the best of me, and I reached out to a fellow blogger and mama of a big, multiracial family:  Meghan Joy YancyShe knows all about essential oils, and she told me I could ask her anything.  Anything?  Yes, anything.  So I did just that.
Rachel:  First, you have a big, beautiful, multiracial family and another little one on the way:  a baby girl!  HOW in the world do you stay sane? 
MJY:  Haha! Jesus. Really though, my faith in God. He is my rock. And there are so many factors that play a role in my sanity. I’m a huge advocate of SAYING NO (even to good things) because I believe a more simple life is the key to that secret sauce of happiness. I’m not talking about laziness but I am referring to leading a life of less busy-ness. My husband is my partner in life and we make such a great team so we really help balance one another out well. And there are definitely still days of crazy chaos, but I’m learning to embrace them and learn from them.
Rachel:  Can I be honest with you?  When the essential oil trend began (and to this day), I’m a skeptic.  I don’t believe in magical cures.  As a type 1 diabetic and breast cancer survivor, I know that there are many tracks to good health, not just ONE thing. So pitch to me, please.  How can essential oils, overall, boost a person or family’s health?  
MJY:  Can I be honest with you, too? I WAS A SKEPTIC TOO! And then I started using the oils and my world flipped upside down. And truth be told, it’s an entire lifestyle of health and wellness that I believe so. When I started using YL essential oils, my eyes were open to so much more. I began researching more about the food that we ate and the products we put on our skin. It opened the door for a completely new lifestyle for myself and my family. And I can truthfully say that our health has just continued to benefit from using the oils and making many other changes in our life. That being the food we eat, the products we use and the atmosphere we surround ourselves with.
Rachel:  We’re right in the midst of sick season. Flu.  Colds.  Croup.   Strep.  You name it.  Can you suggest some specific ways essential oils can help a family get through? 
MJY:  First of all, I wanted to just clarify that any suggestions made are specific to Young Living Essential Oils and not be used with oils from another source. Any statements I make have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. That all being said, in our home, we use Thieves EO for all our immune boosting needs! We have it running in our diffuser, rub on the bottoms of our feet and create some great all-natural chest rubs with RC (for respiratory support) as well. We drink the Thieves Vitality oil in our tea and I even will take it in an empty vegetable capsule when I need an extra immune system boost. I also like to add Purification EO to our diffuser as it purifies the air while neutralizing odors. Win win, baby!

Rachel:  As I’ve shared, I struggle with anxiety (like many moms!), as does one of my children.  Can essential oils help me ease some of my symptoms?  

MJY:  There are so many oils that can help bring emotional balance to people of all ages. I love making specific rollerball blends for each of my children that will cater to each of their needs. StressAway EO is a great oil for moms! I love to put a rollerball top straight on the bottle and rub it on my neck and shoulders. Besides smelling amazing, it holds properties that help you achieve that emotional balance and release stress. For my kids, my go-to oil is always lavender. It helps brings feelings of peace and calm and is great to diffuse close to bedtime. Gentle Baby EO is a gem I love to sprinkle on the babies blankets and pajamas before naptime or bedtime for a calming atmosphere. Some other great oils to create a blend for that emotional support are Cedarwood, Vetiver, Valor, Patchouli, Joy and Peace + Calming.
Rachel:  I'm ridiculous when it comes to makeup.  Like I stand in the aisle at the store or stare blankly at my computer screen:  frustrated and confused.  I usually walk away with NOTHING or too much of what doesn't even end up looking good on me!  I'm also really wanting to live as healthy as possible:  so I want QUALITY and safe ingredients.   Talk to me about makeup, since girl, you ALWAYS look stunning in your IG pics.  I need to know your secrets!
MJY:  You are too kind! I was actually never too much into makeup (or at least didn’t know much about it until I started youtubin’ a little bit. And then it was fun!) And once I began using YL essential oils and my eyes were opened to the toxins in our every day products, I discovered that a lot of those toxins are in our freakin’ makeup we smear on our faces every day! Women are exposed to over 150 chemicals each day from the makeup we put on our faces. They have horrible side affects on our bodies as well. I knew I needed an alternative and I made the full on switch once YL launched their Savvy Minerals makeup line and it has been extraordinary! I learned the difference between safe and quality products and I took it seriously the ones I’m putting on my face. Plus, I’ve been able to play around with the line and create some really fun looks. The minerals are so interchangeable so I can use the eyeshadow as a shade of lipgloss and I can use the blush or bronzer as a eyeshadow. 
Rachel:  If there’s one thing you’d like to tell the world about essential oils, especially someone like me who is pretty darn clueless, what would it be?
MJY:  That they are a natural part of the earth and people have been using essential oils since the beginning of time. Somehow, they got lost along the way and we are just now beginning to get back to more natural remedies. There are so many alternatives out there and I just encourage people to do your own research. Beginning this lifestyle with essential oils has been absolutely life-changing for me in so many ways and their benefits are available to everyone. The one thing I always say when someone asks me if an essential oil can be used for “so-and-so” is… There is an oil for that. There is ALWAYS an oil for that.
Starting today through Sunday, MJY is giving away an incredible Young Living Essential Oils bundle.  Visit me on Instagram to enter!  

Want to snag some essential oils for yourself or learn more about joining the Young Living team?  Contact Meghan via Insta or e-mail today! 

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