
Saturday, July 3, 2010


Miss E is totally infatuated with water. Which as many of you brown baby mamas know, water can be a brown baby's worst hair enemy.

Yet when it's nearly one hundred degrees here in the Midwest on a daily basis, I can't help but drag out the water table or the swimming pool (see above). Additionally, Miss E loves fountain gazing (as seen above; photo taken outside our library) and drinking out of the bathroom sink. Her most recent discovery is the joy of pouring a cup of anything liquid (one time MILK---oh no!) into her freshly done hair.

It's interesting to me that white children can frolic in streams of water while their parents sip lemonade on the sidelines while I'm thinking about Miss E's ever-drying hair and skin and how hard I work to keep the moisture in. As tempting as it is to say, "NOOOOOOOOOOO" like in a dramatic movie voice, I usually try to distract her with something else or just smile because she's smiling and let it go.
Being a white mama to a brown baby has sure been a learning experience and brings on its own set of unique challenges.

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