Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I believe in self-education for many reasons.

1: "Experts" aren't perfect. FIVE medical professionals failed to diagnose me with type I diabetes over the span of a year-and-a-half. I had every classic symptom of type I, yet not one of FIVE medical professionals thought to do something simple: test my blood sugar. I'm not knocking all doctors (though some are brutal!) as I do currently have a wonderful medical team which helps me manage my diabetes, but I know that above all, as my mother taught me, I'm in charge of myself. So, it should come to no surprise that I believe...

2: You are in charge of yourself. You cannot fully rely nor blame others for things which you ultimately decide upon/have control over. Ignorance is NOT bliss. Knowledge is power. Why give that power away?

3: Each of us is accountable for personal decisions. I believe in making empowered, confident, wise choices. Our decisions almost always impact other lives as well as our own. Someone is always watching----be it another adult or your own children or spouse.

I have been asked by many adoption friends for my ever-growing list of adoption resources. I have read all or in-part every single book on my list. Books are fabulous because readers can digest them slowly and when the time is right. They can be referred back to time and time and time again.

I'm thrilled to share with you my resources on the topics dearest to my heart---adoption (resources for parents and children) and good health. You can always check out my growing list right below my blog title which links you to my Amazon store.

I am so excited about this resource list!

Happy reading! Happy shopping! Explore! Grow! Learn! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh! Thank you! Can't wait to browse! I love books and, like you, believe I am in charge of myself.


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