Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Ultimate List of Diverse Children's Christmas Books

It's taken us a decade, but we've successfully built a fantastic, racially diverse Christmas book collection for our children.  And it's growing quickly with more and more racially diverse books coming out every year.  

I often share how important it is to racially affirm our kids.  One way to do this--in addition to mentorship, properly caring for our children's skin and hair, surrounding our kids with art, music, and toys that show our kids that they matter, and much more--is to fill our home with books that demonstrate to our kids that their hair, their skin, their eyes, their history:  these are beautiful, wonderful, magical things that should be celebrated!

Here are our favorite diverse Christmas books.  If you click on the book image, you'll be taken to a book description, reviews, and purchasing information.  (Note:  not ALL the book covers featuring kids of color; but I promise there are children of color featured on the interior pages.  You can use the "look inside" feature on Amazon to explore pages of some of the books listed.)  Also, you can buy many of these books gently used (as several of these are out of print). 

Happy shopping!  Happy Christmas! 

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