With the very recent murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor comes a reminder to us all. It's time to recommit to anti-racism. While many of us are still in quarantine and summer break is starting, it's a good time to pick up some books on becoming allies and becoming better parents to our children of color.
If you follow me on social media, you've probably noticed how passionate I am about this topic. Anti-racism means confronting white privilege and not falling back on white guilt and white fragility when we're called out or challenged, as well as doing the work to listen, learn, change, and move forward.
What better way to do this than to learn from people of color who have authored books that specifically speak to the importance of dismantling white supremacy? We also need to keep in mind that it's not fair or appropriate to burden people of color with the task of educating us on how to be woke. The work falls on us. We need to learn from the resources that are already out there, not beg people of color to teach us or rescue us from whiteness.
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I will never forget the day a white woman (acquaintance) called my then two-year-old Black, big son a “cute little thug.” π€ My girls were adored much longer than my son. They were “cute” and “precious” and “adorable.” Yes, “compliments” we’re sometimes gross. Like, “I’ve always wanted to adopt a little Black baby.” But generally, my girls were gushed over longer than my son. π€ The #stereotypes around #blackboys are harsh and start YOUNG. Suspicious. Scary. Loud. Promiscuous. Criminal. “Thug”— was what came to this woman’s mind when she saw my baby. A boy still in diapers who was learning to throw a ball and string words together. π€ I tell parents all the time: the world works very hard to tear down #bipoc children. We must work even harder to build them up. π€ It breaks my heart to know my son isn’t treated the same as his white peers. Why can’t others see his humor, empathy, intelligence, strengths, and #blackboyjoy ? π€ Some people mistakingly assume that my kids don’t experience racism, because we (parents) are white. Yes, there are time our #whiteprivilege has shielded our children. But it’s not indefinite and always. π€ When was the first time your child was called a racist name? ππΌππ½ππΎππΏ . . #racisminamerica #racism #dearwhitepeople #multiracialfamily #thug #blackboysmatter #blackboysrock #whitesugarbrownsugar #transracialadoption #transracialfamily #melaninpoppin #wednesdaymotivation
I want to introduce you to twelve books (some of which are written for teens and young adults) that I recommend you check out. Some have been around awhile, while some are hot off the press. Each of them is very important in their own way, and each is authored by a person of color. I think it's very important that if we're going to learn to be anti-racist and be great parents to our kids of color, we do so by listening to those who have lived experience and education in these areas.
You can click or tap on the book image to learn more including read a description, check out reviews, glimpse inside the book, and purchase.