Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Candy sorting with dad after trick-or-treating.
Hmmmm....what's in here?


This is Miss E's second Halloween. Last year she was a s'more, and this year she went as a pumpkin fairy.

Her favorite part of the holiday was watching airplanes fly overhead as we walked a local neighborhood. Her least favorite part was the scary decked out houses with creepy music and adults in some horrifying costumes. I don't blame her.

Back at home, we enjoyed homemade pumpkin cheesecake and candy-sorting.
What a fun night!


  1. Ahhh!!! I just LOVE her costume! Beautiful as always! Can't WAIT to see you guys!

  2. So cute. E has those same jammies. :) Halloween was much more fun this year, huh?


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