Thursday, September 12, 2013

Starring...Brown People!: Must-See Films

If you are struggling, like many of us do, to find family-friendly movies starring people of color, check out these:

Cinderella (starring Brandy, Whitney Houston, Whoopi Goldberg, and many more).   I LOVE this version of the story because of the diversity!  The prince is Asian, Cinderella is Black, the Prince's parents are a bi-racial couple (Black and White), the step-mother is white, one step-sister is Black, the other is White, the fairy godmother is Black.   The songs are catchy.   

The Wiz (starring Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, and more).   I'm not a Wizard of Oz fan, myself, but if you are, here's another version of the story with a strong Black cast. 

Polly and Polly Comin' Home (starring Keisha Knight Pulliam, Phylicia Rashad, and more).  The film not only tells an adoption story, but a story of a hopeless optimist (Polly) who overcomes many hardships. 

Please let me know what other popular films have been replicated featuring actors of color.


  1. I haven't seen it yet, but the Karate Kid was recently remade with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan.

  2. Thanks for the list! Off to check if any of them are on Netflix :)


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