Monday, February 24, 2014

Africa Sleeps Giveaway!

I'm often asked about my kids' hair:  how I do it, what I put in it, and how it stays so pretty for days on end. 

Here's my secret:  Africa Sleeps

Why I love the products:
  • the sleep caps stay on my girls ALL NIGHT LONG
  • the products contain only healthy ingredients---no harsh chemicals and hidden dangers
  • the products smell delicious without being overwhelming

Meet Africa Sleeps owner, Arnica Rowan:  When Arnica Rowan isn't running a charity in Ethiopia, crafting with her twin daughters, baking cookies for her pet store, or teaching about sustainable business, she can be found in her kitchen, whipping up batches of Honey Almond Braid Balm. Arnica started Africa Sleeps a few years ago, so that her Ethiopian daughters would have access to great sleep caps. This past year, she expanded her store to offer an organic hair and bodycare line, designed specifically for kids of African heritage. With rave reviews from moms and influential hair bloggers, Africa Sleeps  is becoming the go-to site for natural curly whirly hair care!

Arnica is offering three White Sugar, Brown Sugar readers a fantastic product package.  First up:

Haircare essentials: Banana Coconut Nourishing Conditioner and a small kids sleep cap.
This 45% organic, luscious conditioner is super thick and creamy, with extra slip for picking out stubborn curls. Designed for the driest hair, it leaves curls nourished and soft. The super stretchy sleep cap is made of bathing suit fabric, to protect braids and hair at night, on car rides and under bike helmets.

Honey Almond Braid Balm is an African Sleeps, handmade, exclusive product. When corn rowing, twisting or braiding, smooth a little of the balm into the base of the braid. Packed with fair trade shea butter, sweet almond and apricot oils! and a little beeswax for hold, this amazing product protects hair from the elements and nurtures long lasting braids. The essential big kid sized sleep cap is for protecting braids and curls. It's stylin' for at night, but works great under winter hats and bike helmets too!

Fresh for Springtime! Pink Grapefruit Hair Oil is the most useful product in your hair toolkit. You can spray on at night and protect with a sleep cap, or spritz braids or curls at the beginning of the day. Made with sweet almond and apricot kernel oils, and a little pink grapefruit essential oil for delight. Pink Grapefruit Aloe Lotion is super shear and gentle, perfect for moisture on the face and the whole body. Pink Grapefruit Lip Balm tops off this gift pack, made with fair trade shea butter and beeswax from our local apiary.

Entry period:  2/24-3/4 at noon (Central Time)
3 winners, each winning one of the featured packages
Winner names will be posted on Tuesday, 3/4.  Winners will be chosen at random.  You MUST live in the US or Canada to win.   If you are selected, please e-mail me whitebrownsugar AT hotmail DOT com with your name and address.  If I don't receive an e-mail from you within 72 hours, a new winner will be selected.
Ways to enter:
1: "Like" Africa Sleeps on FB.  Leave a comment on this post telling me you did so.
2:  Share this giveaway on FB or Twitter, and leave me a comment on this post letting me know you did so.
3:  "Like" my blog on FB, and leave me a comment on this post telling me you did so.
4:  "Like" my book COME RAIN OR COME SHINE: A WHITE PARENT'S GUIDE TO ADOPTING AND PARENTING BLACK CHILDREN; leave me a comment telling me you did so. 
5:  Leave a comment sharing what adoption means to you. 
Best wishes!


  1. Tweeted!

  2. I liked Africa Sleeps on FB. Really enjoy your blog as a prospective adoptive mom. Thanks!

  3. I liked Africa Sleeps on FB - not sure if my first comment went through - if it did, I'm sorry for two! Really enjoy your blog as a prospective adoptive mom.

  4. I like Africa Sleeps on Facebook.

  5. I tweeted this contest info. I would post a link to my tweet, but I have no idea how. I'm @bkhooyer. Sorry!

  6. "Liked" Africa Sleeps on FB, and already "like" your blog on FB. Would love to try out these products on E's super dry hair. Even daily moisturizing with coconut oil doesn't seem to cut it anymore.

  7. Liked the Africa Sleeps FB page.

  8. Stacy B.....I liked Africa Sleeps on FB. Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. I liked all 3 and shared the giveaway on my wall. :) Adoption to me is unity. Unity of souls. Unity of family. Unity of women. Unity of life.
    Love the blog friend <3

  10. I already "like" both Africa Sleeps and your fb page. Have "shared" this post on fb :)

  11. I tweeted!

  12. Adoption is redemption and i'm thankful to be apart of God's story with my children.

  13. I shared your post on my FB wall. I have already "liked" Africsn Sleeps

  14. I like Africa Sleeps on Facebook. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  15. Tweet:
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com


  16. I like you on Facebook (Erin Ellis)
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  17. I like your book page on Facebook too :)
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  18. Adoption to me, means my sister <3
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  19. I "liked" Africa Sleeps and your blog on Facebook. Thanks!

  20. Liked Africa sleeps on fb! Hope I get package #2!

  21. I liked White Sugar, Brown Sugar on FB. Thanks!

  22. Liked Africa Sleeps.
    Liked your Blog.
    Liked your book - which looks great, btw!
    Here's what I just came up with when thinking about what adoption means to me. Thanks for the inspiration!

    We had to dig deep,
    her and I,
    to plant our hearts safely
    and firmly
    within our newly shared soil.

    And despite so much time,
    and so much
    fear that nothing was changing,
    that promised day did come.

    That sprout pushed through.
    Broke ground.
    Shot up.
    Formed buds.

    We marveled
    at the beautiful flower
    between us,
    the flower that proved
    our love had been growing,
    quietly, all along.

  23. I liked Africa Sleeps on fb and I already "like" your page and your books page too! :-)

  24. I had already liked Africa Sleeps on Facebook but I have now liked your blog and your book. And trying to figure out how to share on Twitter!

    Adoption, to me, means family, not just our sweet girl, but the two people who chose to give her life, and their other children, and parents and siblings - it means we have added not just a daughter but this amazing group of friends to our family.

  25. I Liked and Shared!! I shared the giveaway on my managed page WhereDoWeGoFromHere... Everythink else is liked under my name...
    We have adopted all three of our kiddos through Foster Care. We have forever changed the path that these three lives will take. People like to tell us that our kids are so lucky/blessed to have us. I am always quick to interject and say no, we are blessed to have them.
    Good luck to everyone that enters!
    Oh and by the way, thanks for sharing about this product. I am always searching for a great product for our super curly hair!!

  26. Just liked Africa Sleeps on Facebook... excited to learn more! Thank you.

  27. Adoption is how I became a mother. Adoption robbed other women of being mothers.

    Adoption is giving back three little boys that called me Mama because someone else who shared their blood was able to be a different kind of mama to them. Adoption is six different bloodlines in my home. Adoption is a dinner table with chiapati, arroz con pollo, and fruit crushers.

    Adoption to me is a complicated, tangled, beautiful web that connects me to my children and their ancestors and my ancestors, our shared future and unshared past, sadness and joy at the same time.

  28. As I am no longer on facebook, I will tell you what adoption means to me (in as few of words as possible). I was adopted as a newborn myself, and because my experience was SO awesome it was just a very easy decision to adopt to grow our family. Adoption means the 2 little guys that I am blessed to call my sons. Adoption means growing deeper in my relationship with Christ as we are also adopted by him as our sons and daughters. Adoption means the amazing, life changing opportunity to meet my own birthmother and continue to grow a relationship with her. Adoption means the gift of two of the most amazing parents I could ever dream of! Mostly, to me, adoption means love.

  29. For me, adoption is God redeeming the brokenness in two women's lives by creating a new version of family.

  30. Liked sleep Africa on FB. And shared this giveaway.

  31. Liked of FB. And shared this giveaway.

  32. Like Africa Sleeps and White Sugar Brown Sugar on Facebook!

  33. I liked Africa Sleeps on Fb. :-) Fun giveaway! Thanks.

  34. Adoption means: I get to be a mama to two wonderful and incredible boys and they in turn get a two parent family with incredible love and support as they grow up and develop their God given gifts.


  35. I already like your blog on FB, does that count? :) :)


  36. I like them! I LOVE their sleep caps!

  37. Adoption for me is about restoration. God restores the broken hearted. In my case, the broken hearted was me! I needed just as much restoration (if not more) than my adopted children. Adoption is born out of brokenness and pain. But man, the blessings and beauty that comes!

  38. Adoption is giving a little girl someone to tuck her in at night.

  39. Adoption means: Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own.
    Never forget for a single minute, You didn't grow under my heart - but in it. ~ LOVE THIS QUOTE!

  40. Liked Come Rain or Come Shine on FB

  41. I liked African Sleeps, Come Rain or Come Shine book, White sugar brown sugar, and shared it on my facebook. Adoption means regaining what was lost. We adopted two kids in the US and two in Ethiopia - each set having different kinds of tragedy that they endured. God put us in the picture to help regain the love that was lost for them. But for us, we were losing our youth and the kids helped us regain our loss also.

  42. I liked African sleeps, White sugar and Brown sugar, your book, and shared the giveaway on FB.
    Adoption means regaining what was once lost. We have adopted 2 kids in the US and 2 kids from Ethiopia. Both sets of kids had different hurdles to overcome. God brought us into the picture to regain the love they had lost. God brought them into our lives to help regain the youth we had lost.

  43. I've never heard of Africa Sleeps before, but I'm always looking for new products to try with my hair clients. I "liked" them on FB!

  44. I am already a fan of your blog of Facebook!

  45. I am already a fan of your book on Facebook!

  46. Adoption means a lot to me, because it has been my only way to become a mother. I was born to be a mother, but infertility tried to take that away from me. Adoption was the answer to my prayers as well as the prayers of my son's birthmama, who is like a sister to me now and we are both so grateful for each other!

  47. I did all 4 steps above to enter! :) And here is #5: Adoption to us is a gift. A beautiful story of how at least two other lives (birthmom and child) get woven together with ours. It's an honor to grow our family and in return love on and support a birthfamily. It's more special than words can describe!

  48. I like "White Sugar, Brown Sugar" on FB

  49. I like Come Rain or Come Shine on FB

  50. Adoption to me means permanency: come rain or shine with every up and every down. It means family.

  51. I liked African sleeps, White sugar and Brown sugar, your book, and shared the giveaway on FB! And for #5- Adoption is what brought my daughters to me. Adoption is what brought me to my Father God and Lord Jesus Christ. Adoption is one of the most beautiful symbols of love, family and belongings there is!

  52. I shared this giveaway on my facebook page.

  53. Adoption to me means family, both my place in God's family and our children's place in ours.

  54. I liked Africa Sleeps on facebook!

  55. I liked your book Come Rain or Come Shine on Facebook!

  56. Adoption means blessing, challenge, beauty and richness.

  57. I liked your pages! Adoption is such an amazing journey, some of it a bit bumpy but the end results are so amazing. We have been blessed with 4 amazing kiddos through adoption. Truly blessed!

  58. I did all of the above. :) we have traveled the adoption journey four times and it is such an amazing way to have a family. We are so blessed by each of our kids.
    Thanks for offering your drawing.

  59. I like them on Facebook (Lesha O'Nan).

  60. I like your book on FB (Lesha O'Nan).

  61. Liked your blog on FB. I really enjoy your blog and am glad to share it with friends, particularly other transracial adoptive families.

  62. Just liked your blog on FB. I have been enjoying your blog for a couple of months now and am glad to share it with friends, especially other transracial adoptive families.

  63. I liked your book on FB... and I currently have in checked out from the Edwardsville library! lol

  64. I liked Africa Sleeps on facebook! :)

  65. I already liked your blog on facebook! :)

  66. I also already liked your book Come Rain or Come Shine on facebook! Easy entries for me so far!

  67. Adoption means my family. My journey. My life. My kids. Their first families. My everyday.

  68. Liked your blog! Also, I was at your talk for Celebrate Adoption in Cincinnati and really enjoyed it! Thanks so much.

  69. Glad you responded to my question on the Adoption Skin Hair group so I could find your blog - liked your page, and your products!! Natalie Bauman


Comments are moderated and published upon approval. Your thoughts and questions are also welcome via e-mail at whitebrownsugar AT hotmail DOT com.