Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Kamala Harris Children's Books Your Child Needs ASAP

Finally, the day has arrived! The 2021 Inaguration is a BIG DEAL, espeically because we've elected and are welcoming our very first woman vice president--a woman of color! Hello, Kamala Harris! What an exciting day for our country.

I've been pulling books from our collection to share with you, as well as ordering a few new ones. We need to educate our kiddos on the inauguration, the election, and what it means to have a woman of color in political leadership, one of the highest positions. Of course, we also need to talk about history. 

I'm so thankful for the many wonderful books that teach our kids that they matter and that their future is bright. Change is happening, especially in the arena of racial equity. 

First up, children's books about Kamala Harris, our newly elected Vice President. 

Click on the book image to read a summary, check out the reviews, take a glimpse inside the cover, and purchase, if you wish. 

Did you know that Kamala's niece just released a children's book? Yes!!! 

The description from Amazon: "When a young girl sees a strong woman on TV labeled as "too assertive" and "too ambitious," it sends her on a journey of discovery through past, present, and future about the challenges faced by women and girls and the ways in which they can reframe, redefine, and reclaim words meant to knock them down."

Then there's several other fantastic books that talk about elections and American history: 

What books have you found to add to my list? Let's chat! Hang out with me on Facebook and Instagram

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