Our back yard featuring the Blue Bladder (aka, our temporary salt water pool, the play ground set, and in the very very far back right corner, our veggie garden).

I attended an event in my town called Mom Prom! The proceeds went to a children's hospital. There was dancing, drinks, food, conversation, and vendors.

Miss E checking out the Weeping Willow.

Chocolate drizzled organic fruit with nut on top. So good!

Very simple berry cobbler. Oat pie crust for the top (recipe from
Baking With Agave Nectar by Ania Catalano, p. 78): Combine 1.5 cups of oats, 1/2 cup of whole wheat pastry flour, a pinch of salt, 1/4 cup canola oil, 1/4 cup agave nectar, and 1/4 cup water. Let the dough sit for 10 minutes while you prepare the fruit filling. For the filling, combine fresh fruit of your choosing with some whole wheat pastry flour (to thicken) and agave nectar (to taste). Spray a glass pan (I used 9 x 13) with olive or canola oil, pour in the fruit filling, and then, with your fingers, spread the pie crust on top. Bake at 350 until the crust is slightly brown (about 20 minutes).

Simple pasta---served room temp. Cook pasta of your choosing. I use Dreamfield's because it's very low on the glycemic index. Once done, mix in goodies like cherry tomatoes, raw pine nuts, any type of cheese (I like goat!), sauteed spinach or arugula, olives, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Want to pamper yourself without an expensive trip to the nail salon or spa? Fill a container (big enough for your feet) halfway with equal parts of vinegar and warm water. If you can't stand the vinegar smell, add a few drops of essential oil (orange is my favorite). Soak your feet for fifteen minutes while you watch a favorite tv show or read a book. Vinegar will soften your feet. To complete the treatment, slather your feet with your favorite moisturizer (I'll use olive oil) and slip on some comfy socks.

Bird One of three hatched last week. This next is hiding on the top deck of my daughter's playground. It's fun to visit the birds every day to see how much they've changed.

Baby E has discovered sidewalk chalk.
Mid-summer is tough here in the Midwest, just like mid-winter. The weather is so extreme, creating two very restless babies and one maxed out mama. Play dates with friends (2-3 a week), trips to the library, and our new purchase, a 3 ft deep, 18 ft in diameter, saltwater "Blue Bladder" in our back yard help keep us all sane. Additionally, Miss E asks for chocolate first thing every morning. I usually give in by 10 a.m. We read a Bible story from
The Jesus Storybook Bible every day. These little routines help.
I have a lovely routine down. The girls nap at the same time each afternoon. This gives me time to nap (if I've had a bad blood sugar day), do a few chores, make any necessary phone calls, write for
Diabetes Health or
Adoptive Families, and plan my fall courses.
In mid-August, I'll return to work, teaching writing to college freshman and sophomores part-time. Miss E starts preschool (!!!). I'm looking forward to the holidays (yes, already), the girls' combined birthday party (two November babies---one fab party!),
How do you like your pool? I'm thinking of getting one for next year. I suppose it kills the grass it sits on huh? Miss seeing your girls faces on BB. They are growing fast. You might want to check out BB~ sad news for Beth.