Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tidbits You Can Use

I've been coming across some awesome websites lately that I just have to share with you!

First, there's an online comic website called Adopted:  The Comic.     The comics usually center around adoptee experiences.  I found this one to be so true of adoptive parents and how we sometimes just don't know what or when or how to talk about adoption.   Happy browsing!

Second, I got a catalog in the mail the other day from Personal Creations that has many ornaments featuring African Americans and Hispanics.   You can select your ornament and then their skin tone and sometimes hair color.     There are so many to choose from!    Their rag dolls are really cute.

Third, I continue to read My Brown Baby online.   I love the variety of stories and the overall beauty of the website.  

Finally, If you haven't checked my resources list in some time, swing by.  I'm always adding new titles.  

1 comment:

  1. Rachel it was good to see you last night. Wanted to share that adoption site with you that's doing the 30 days of posts. Here is todays:


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