You can celebrate National Adoption Month by...
1: Asking your library to create an adoption-book display.
2: Participating in your local foster care agency's birthday buddy program (where you purchase birthday gifts for a child in foster care). (This would also make a fabulous Christmas project).
3: Donate items or money to local crisis nurseries, children's homes, maternity homes, etc.
4: Spread the word about your adoption support group.
5: Start the process of becoming a foster or adoptive parent.
6: Support foster parents. Take meals, offer to babysit, buy some items their children might need.
7: Offer to speak as an experienced adoptive family at your agency's family training sessions. Share what you know about adoption.
8: Purchase adoption or diversity-minded books (see my resource list) for your child's school, the local library, or to your local agency (to give to new adoptive parents).
9: Host a drive for an organization that supports women, babies, and children.
10: Include adoption in your Christmas letter.
What ideas do you have?
The list of possibilities is numerous!
I love every single one of these ideas—what a great way to support families!