Saturday, March 17, 2012

Out and About

I love writing.   I was born to write.  

I've been out and about in the writing world.   With two kiddos, a part-time job outside the home (which requires loads of time to grade student essays), and a household to manage, I don't write as much as I would like.   However, I love when opportunities present themselves.

This month I have an article in Diabetes Forecast magazine.  This is an article I'm quite proud of.   March 24th marks my six year D-Day (diagnosis day) anniversary---a day that is bittersweet for me.  Also this month, my friend Amy Mercer, a fellow diabetic and author, featured my story on her book's blog.   

Writing is a powerful outlet.  I encourage you to figure out how to incorporate personal writing into your life----blog, journal, write notes on napkins, whatever!      And if you've always wanted to "be a writer," offer to write some guest blog posts for your favorite bloggers or online magazines just to get yourself out there.   

Happy writing!


  1. There are two blogs that I read regularly, your blog and Nienie Dialogues. I've been inspired by both of you despite my terrible writing skills to write a private blog to my daughter. It is about her adoption story from our viewpoint. My daughter's birthmother's viewpoint of the adoption was very public and well documented. Do you have any suggestions as to an online class or home course that I could take that would help me become a better writer?

  2. Hi, Rachel
    I read the article in Diabetes Forecast and was curious to check out your blog!


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