Monday, April 14, 2014

Around the Web: Good Reading!

On Come Rain or Come Shine: A White Parent's Guide to Adopting and Parenting Black Children...

First, I'm so honored!  I happened to stumble upon an interview on Jezebel with MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry where I saw this response Melissa gave to a fan asking about transracial adoption:

"But I've learned from talking with transracial adoption families that love is critical and important, but not enough. There are complicated issues of identity, culture, and belonging that sensitive parents must deal with, not ignore. It sounds to me like you are a sensitive and proactive parent.
We had an amazing guest on the MHP show about a year ago who is white and raising black adopted children, Rachel Garlinghouse. I love her book Come Rain or Come Shine: A White Parent's Guide to Adopting and Parenting Black Children. You can also visit her website and follow her on Twitter. Rachel is lovely and insightful and may be of help as you navigate this process."
You can follow my book on Facebook or find me on Twitter for updates!
On adoptive nursing...
Last week I participated in a Huffington Post Live segment on adoptive nursing along with two breastfeeding professionals (both adoptive mothers).  This is a topic dear to my heart and one that is increasingly intriguing to adoptive mothers.
On type 2 diabetes and minority kids...
Did you know that minority children are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes?  The disease can lead to major health complications, including early death.  Read more on, learning how to be proactive to protect your child.    
On coping with emotions while waiting to adopt a child...
"Waiting for the news that you have been referred or chosen can be incredibly frustrating, confusing, disheartening, and anxiety-inducing."  Here's how to cope, from    

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