Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

Welcome to a new year!

I hope 2011 was full of laughter, love, and pleasant surprises, but if it wasn't, I'm sure you have enjoyed turning your calendar to a new year and anticipating bigger and better things. 

A few thoughts/tips/questions for my readers:

  • Instead of making one NY resolution which is so difficult to obtain, how about one resolution a month?   This way you know you only have to stick to your goal for 30 days, yet you can remind yourself that it only takes 21-28 days to change a bad habit.  :)    My goal for January is to only check Facebook once a day.    That place is such a time sucker!

  • What do you want to change?  Make a list, but don't tackle it at once.   Prioritize and figure out one goal for the month.    For me, I'd love to keep my kitchen counter tops clean---free of papers, dirty dishes, etc.   This will be quite a challenge, but it can be done!

  • What was great about 2011 that you'd like to continue in 2012?  What didn't work so well that you need to say farewell to?

  • Now is a great time to purge, store, or donate.    Purge those items that no one can or will use (broken, torn, very outdated---and not in a vintage-cool kind of way, etc.)---recycle when you can.   Store any items you wish to keep (storage bins are on sale everywhere this time of year) in clearly-labeled bins.   Donate items you and your family do not need, have outgrown, etc. to a local charity.   And 

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